☆ PAYWX. 0303
Hello my name is paywanxinjoreen and i'm relatively a good girl. i am a glutton and i eat the weirdest things you can ever imagine. i think ice skating is awesome and i like to eat nice food! (duh) (Peeks at boyfriend with a cheeky look) i have weird logics and i absolutely adore my family and friends. i don't think many people know about me because i keep a low profile. On days when i'm upset, i shop and limegreen is my favourite color. My blog is a collection of my perspectives, thoughts and emotions. Your critism is not welcomed.

Quick update
30 March 2010, 10:08 PM

Will just be short post :D
On Saturday, went to Sengkang to watch Marcus' Boxing Competition.
It was a fun day and Marcus Ko won :D
Happy for him. School work is piling up and I'm gonna get breathless soon.
Phew, anyways. Pictures on Facebook and I'd updated mine.
Wait man! I love everyone! Congrats Marcus Ko! :D

I'll adapt.

I wanted you..
17 March 2010, 9:05 PM





I don't hate you now...
Just disappointed that you feel that way about me...
I know I don't do things right, I am stupid.. yeah...

15 March 2010, 3:19 PM

The couple that fights the most is the one most in love...
it shows they care enough to notice the other one screwed up
and care enough to mention it to the person so they can fix it.
When you stop fighting it means you stopped caring.

Since CHINGZ kept saying that I don't post about him or
have any pictures about him, today! I shall do that...


I really don't understand it.
I'm terrified. Why the sudden questions that pops out inside your head?
I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.
All the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action.
Oh, I have loved you too much to feel no hate for you.
A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love

14 March 2010, 12:40 AM

Currently in Malacca. Coming back to SG soon.
Bored. It's 12.41am and I'm still using my laptop.
JH watching Yes Man. Everyone's asleep..
Gonna have PANDA EYES O.O sucks.

Anyways, woke up in the morning @ 6am.
I don't really know what's going on. Reached home late last night and
that explains why. Had BBQ, awsome-ness (!) w/ those who came!
I love Maoz! Okay, ate and played. Elton brought a __ % alcohol. Everyone
were kinda tipsy (heard from it). Went home early cause' gonna break
my curfew..

BTT. Reached Malacca around 10am plus? :D
Sat the tricycle around for 2 hrs -.-' How hot can that be!
I want air-conditioner!! Visited many places and finally to the hotel.
HOTEL!! Suddenly missing Korea's hotel :P
After several hours went shopping till now. BORED DIE ME!

050310 - 060310
07 March 2010, 4:46 PM

CHING-lo people! :D
Currently @ grams house. (ok, every Sun.)
I'm bored till death. Maomao, not free nowww..
Hence, Imma bored like poo.
watched Dear John with CHINGZ yesterday. Boring.
But im glad i'm able to lie on someone while watching it.
Someone i love, that loves me back. :)

Shall upload pictures about my AEM programme (rock climbing only, Abseiling next time).
Hai.. I'm so bored. Why can't anyone text me other than Maox (not free)?


can't post anymore. hai, byebye.

Random lookout
04 March 2010, 8:34 PM

老 婆如何如何好,别总说她,你是不温柔贤惠漂亮,她最重视 的人还这么说她,不只是不应该,会心碎,对大多数女人来 说,赞赏和鼓励比辱骂更能让她心甘情愿为一个人放弃自己 的一切。何况,爱她还忍心伤害她吗?爱她一定要尊重她关 心她,再生气也不可以出口伤人,言语的伤口有时一生都在 流血的。身体的伤害很容易治愈,精神的伤害后果是可怕的。 女人是水做的,心思是细腻的,小小的伤害对她来说都可能是伤 心一辈子的理由。

不可以整天对她沉默。若爱她,就要告诉她,让她安心;若不 爱她,就不该娶她,娶了她就要让她幸福,这是丈夫的责任。 婚姻是女人比对自己的生命还要珍惜的东西。她对你的爱, 用心去体会就品味出来了。爱是做出来的,不是说出来的。 她为你照顾好一个家,让你在疲惫时可以放下一切,毫无 顾忌的放松自己。婚姻是现实的,生活是现实的,风花雪月 的恋爱,不是真实的生活。不要为了虚幻的浪漫而做出伤害 她的事情。婚姻是从柴米油盐中感受爱的。一个女人放下自 己的理想,甘心为你做一个家庭主妇的牺牲是你用一生也报答不 完的。有时候唠叨也是因为爱。

不要摆脸色给对方看,一个生气的男人是很恐怖的。她每天也 不轻松,没有义务还要总是安慰你忍受你的怒气,哄你开心。 当你的脸上显现怒气的那一刻,已经有另一样东西在她的 心里破碎了。对方性格上会有缺点,生活细节会与你不同, 令你不满意,但没有人可能是完美的,在你面前,她要放下 面具,做回自己,做个普通人。宽容是做人和对待婚姻应有 的态度。她不可能一面做一个不食人间烟火的仙女一面为你打理 好一个家庭,她不是神仙。

女人也是有尊严的,她并不想自己的老公怕自己,但是不要有 那些男尊女卑的思想,那是对女人和爱情最大的侮辱,她们 懂得尊重人,尤其是自己的老公,在她心目中老公就是天不 怕地不怕的顶天立地的男子汉,她希望自己的老公多宠自己 一点多爱自己一点,那不代表怕老婆,我们大多是普通人, 在自己的家庭面前,再伟大的女人也是平凡的,需要呵护的。

男人大多喜欢吹牛,女人要知道他们这么样是想从中得到一点 力量,找到一点自信,好继续人生征程下面的拼搏。虚拟的 成就感能让他们心情明朗起来。但是不要在妻子面前虚伪, 不只是因为没有必要,是因为让人感觉不坦诚,会伤心,会 没有安全感。妻子不是身体的放纵时的工具,而是心灵疲惫 时的栖息地,有烦恼要对她倾诉,要让她感到自己是被需要 的,在外面撑着够累了,为什么在自己爱的人面前还要这样, 有必要吗?温柔是女人的天性,再坚强独立的女人也有温 柔的一面,要相信她可以给你支持和安慰,只要爱人得到快乐, 她们是愿意傻傻的付出一切的。

美好的事物谁都爱,可是结婚后的女人却不会去看帅哥,不是 因为认为自己没戏了,而是在她们的眼里自己的丈夫是最棒 的,其他的男人都一样,没什么好的,这不仅是尊重,还是 爱,别为自己的花心找借口,在自己的老婆面前为另一个女 人献殷勤是对她的一种侮辱,也是在降低自己的人格。没有 什么是天生注定无法改变的,包括花心,不要以为女人傻, 有时候她们只是不想计较,不想你烦,她理解你,你不要得寸进 尺。

女人不是爱虚荣,不是太功利,物质的追求还不是为了证明自 己的老公很厉害,让自己的老公有面子,即使粗茶淡饭的日 子她也愿意和你携手一生。都说人是活自己,可是一个走入 婚姻的女人又有多少成分是在为自己活?调查显示:最幸福 的人不是结婚的女人而是结婚的男人,其次是没结婚的女人, 接着是未婚的男人,而婚姻中的女人是排在最后一位的。

男人喜欢温柔的女人,因为他们内心很脆弱,不象外表般坚强, 他们需要妻子的柔情似水,柔声细语,轻怜蜜爱。可是再 坚强的男人也难免有支撑不住的时候,那么你倒下的瞬间, 你的那一片天是你整天捧在手心上小心呵护的温柔女人可以 为你顶起的吗?女人也喜欢靠在别人的肩膀上,可是她们知 道不能再给辛苦的老公增加负担了,所以曾经的娇娇女也变 得坚强了。一个有温雅如兰的外表和气质,有吐气如兰的声 音,有含情脉脉的眼波,很容易化百炼钢为绕指柔的女人, 不是用来生活的,不要让自己的妻子放弃浪漫的同时,自己 一头扎进另一个虚假的风花雪月。温柔,是可以杀死一个男 人的,对于男人,那是致命的诱惑,诱惑可以毁掉很多东西, 包括一个温暖的家庭和一份成功的事业,要记住,生活是现实 的。

在女人眼里家庭永远是第一的,她们固然会对工作负责,要有 职业道德,要从工作中得到乐趣,但决不会做工作的奴隶, 却很容易成为家庭的奴隶,不要总认为努力工作就是为了家 庭,女人的要求不高,优渥的物质条件她看的没那么重,对 于女人来说,一个温暖幸福的家庭一个体贴爱自己的老公比钻戒 洋房重要的多。

每个人都有父母,不要只记得要妻子孝敬公婆,妻子也有父母, 嫁出去的女儿不是泼出去的水,人都是有感情的,女人也 一样,要像关心自己的父母一样关心妻子的父母,别只知道要求 别人却不懂得回报。

Anyways, Happy Belated Birthday ME! :D
Thanks my friends and family! luvluvluvs!

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Music Playlist at MixPod.com

30 days letter

Day 1 — Your Best Friend

Day 2 — Your Crush

Day 3 — Your parents

Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)

Day 5 — Your dreams

Day 6 — A stranger

Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush

Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend

Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet

Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to

Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to

Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain

Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you

Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from

Day 15 — The person you miss the most

Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country

Day 17 — Someone from your childhood

Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be

Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad

Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest

Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression

Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to

Day 23 — The last person you kissed

Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory

Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times

Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to

Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day

Day 28 — Someone that changed your life

Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to

Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror


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